Unable to Install PMM Server Without Internet Connection


We have a Linux system without internet access and have tried multiple methods to install the PMM server, but haven’t succeeded. We couldn’t find the RPM or any manual package to install, and we are currently stuck. Please share the steps to install the PMM server on a Linux box without internet access.

Hi Marshall,

You can save pmm-server docker images as a tar file.

docker pull percona/pmm-server:2.42.0
docker save -o pmm-server-2.42.0.tar percona/pmm-server:2.42.0

And then just load it on the server without an Internet and follow installation instruction.

docker load -i pmm-server-2.42.0.tar
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For future reference, we have a section on installing PMM on isolated or air-gapped hosts: Docker - Percona Monitoring and Management.

@Marshall_Ditto , I hope this and @Vadim_Yalovets 's answers will help you install PMM. Please let us know how it goes!