While I’am starting the pmm-admin services, I am receiving the below error. What does this mean? did I missed something.
sudo pmm-admin start --all
OK, started 2 services.
Unable to connect to PMM server by address: XX.X.XX.XXX
Even though the server is reachable it does not look to be PMM server.
Check if the configured address is correct. %!s()
can you check disk space inside PMM Server container?
Can you share the output of the following command?
docker exec -it pmm-server df -h
Mykola, my service is running on Linux machine, not in docker, could you please share the inputs related to CentOS?
$ sudo docker exec -it pmm-server df -h
Error response from daemon: Container pmm-server is not running
Thank you.
PMM Server has only three ways to be installed:
- runs as Docker container
- runs from OVA image in VirtualBox and VMware
- runs from AMI image in Amazon.
How was PMM Server installed?