Unable to pull docker pmm-server image

Hi There,
I am unable to pull docker pmm-server on my RHEL 7 machine. I understand that I 've some firewall restrictions are in place to install it. But I’m seeking help here to understand is there any work around/resolution for the error listed below. 

[root@test03 tmp]# docker create -v /srv --name pmm-data percona/pmm-server:2 /bin/trueUnable to find image 'percona/pmm-server:2' locallyTrying to pull repository registry.access.redhat.com/percona/pmm-server ...Trying to pull repository registry.redhat.io/percona/pmm-server ...Trying to pull repository docker.io/percona/pmm-server ...Trying to pull repository docker.io/percona/pmm-server ...Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: proxyconnect tcp: net/http: TLS handshake timeout

Also I downloaded pmm-server docker image from percona repository. I’m not sure how to use that docker image to start pmm container. Any help on these will be appreciated. 
Thank you very much.

Hmmm not near a computer now but sounds like docker may be having issues. Will check as soon as I get home.  What you downloaded from the Percona site is a docker container image and you can import that (docker import) into your list of images and from there issue the run command to turn it into a valid container. Hope that helps for now.