I did a lot of benchmarks by applying Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) to a bunch of software (including a lot of databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, and many others) - the results are available here: GitHub - zamazan4ik/awesome-pgo: Various materials about Profile Guided Optimization and other similar stuff like AutoFDO, Bolt, etc. . The results are reproducible - you can check it on your own.
I think these results would be interesting for the Percona community since it shows performance improvements for databases “just” with a compiler option. I think these results could be used in multiple ways:
- Percona dev team at least can consider applying PGO for the databases before distribution to the customers.
- Contribute more flawless PGO support to the upstream.
- Advertise somehow using PGO via blog posts/conferences
- Apply PGO to the developed by Percona solutions like percona-server
I hope my tests would be helpful to someone.