Percona Community MeetUp for MySQL - Sept 8th, 2021

Percona Community organizes a series of monthly online MeetUps dedicated to Experts and database users. Each week, we will be focused on a different topic to cover MySQL in the 1st week, PostgreSQL in the 2nd week, MongoDB in the 3rd week, and Monitoring and Observability via PMM in the 4th week.

Matt Yonkovit, Head of Open Source Strategy at Percona, hosts the first Community MeetUp for MySQL with Marcos Albe, Principal Technical Services Engineer at Percona, and Fernando Laudares Camargos, Senior Support Engineer at Percona, to cover :

Topic #01: “How to REALLY optimize MySQL performance”

  1. How to spend money on hardware?

  2. Tuning configuration parameters is not the true path to performance

  3. The single thing that actually makes performance better, and a system scalable

Topic #02: “Inspecting MySQL Servers”

  1. The approach used by Percona Support to troubleshoot MySQL performance issues.

  2. Our favorite tools from the Percona Toolkit suite.

  3. How much of the work can also be done based on PMM data .

Join us for an hour talk on Discord on Wednesday Sept 8th, 2021 at 11:00am EST

Live streaming on YouTube and Twitch, live chatting on Discord.

Add this event to your Google Calendar

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