Pmm default admin password not working


I am using helm to deploy ‘pmm’ on a AWS EKS cluster. The plain helm installation worked fine and I was able to login to pmm UI. I add serviceAnnotations to assume a IAM role and now when I decrypt the default password from ‘pmm-secret’ and try to login, it’s giving me an error (Invalid username/password). I am using admin as the username which worked before.

pmm pod logs doesn’t say anything.

Any thoughts on why the default admin password is not working and how to fix it?


When you log in the first time, PMM prompts you to change the default password. Did you change it by accident? Try the default admin/admin, and maybe some other potential passwords.

Otherwise you can change it like this:

Tweak the “docker” example for EKS.

It didn’t prompt me to change the password. What other combinations are you suggesting? admin/admin didn’t work. I decoded the default pmm-secret that was created by helm installation PMM_ADMIN_PASSWORD and it’s not working. The only change I made was to add the code in values.yaml to create a ServiceAccount with annotations to the role-arn.

It was working before this. I am not sure where to look now.

Please use the password reset function from the docs I provided.

I will try to do that but just curious on why the default admin password was working before and now after making that change, it’s not logging me in.

Also, where do I find logs for anything that happens on the UI?

pod logs should have PMM logs

There are some logs but when I try logging in and the UI say Invalid password, there is nothing logged in the pod logs. Is there another way?

Invalid password means invalid. Please use the docs above to reset the password.

Should I file a bug/issue on why the default password isn’t working?

I tried a fresh helm installation and it’s still the same.

I uninstalled helm, deleted the ns, and deployed it to a new namespace and it worked.