PMM using Helm on Minikube gives Invalid Username/Password


When trying to install PMM on Minikube via Helm, it installs successfully. But when I try to login as admin user with the decoded password, it gives an invalid username/password.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Follow this document: Helm - Percona Monitoring and Management

  2. Run the following commands:

   $ helm repo add percona
   $ helm install pmm percona/pmm
   $ kubectl get secret pmm-secret --namespace default -o jsonpath='{.data.PMM_ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 --decode
      - to get the password
   $ minikube service monitoring-service
      - open your browser with the above URL and you should see the login page
      - enter admin as the username, and the password from the one you decoded


Mac OS: Sonoma 14.3.1
Minikube: v1.26.1
Helm: v3.9.4


From the pods, I only see this last few lines:

2024-03-14 16:48:52,412 INFO exited: qan-api2 (exit status 1; not expected)
2024-03-14 16:48:53,514 INFO spawned: 'qan-api2' with pid 720
2024-03-14 16:48:55,082 INFO success: qan-api2 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-03-14 16:49:33,955 INFO exited: pmm-update-perform-init (exit status 0; expected)

Expected Result:

I should be able to login successfully

Actual Result:

I am getting an invalid username/password

Hi @brianestrada658,

Are those commands you sent there in the exact same sequence you ran them? You should first create the secret, and then use helm install pointing to it.

Please send us the exact commands you used, and in the exact same order.

The documentation link you pointed to has the correct order and syntax:
1- Create secret:

2- Install:

Note that the full install command is presented as a multiline shell command:

helm install pmm \
--set secret.create=false \
--set \

Which is the same as running:

helm install pmm --set secret.create=false --set percona/pmm