I have a Raspberry Pi 4, my idea was to be able to run:
pmm-admin config --server-url=https...pmm-admin add mysql
Because on the same Pi, I have 2 docker containers, they run MySQL 5.7.x and they are slaves of 2 of MySQL servers running on the cloud - VulTR. The replication running on the Pi 4 inside containers works fine, but if the local containers go down or replication stops: I would like to be notified. Then, I have a PMM server running on the net. It will be great if the Pi can use the pmm-client tools to monitor the 2 containers and send stats to the PMM server - VulTR. I haven’t found a easy way to install the pmm-client tools.
I downloaded the source for the PMM client:
But, I cannot find the steps/instructions to compile, and I don’t see the aarch64 .deb compatible package.
[root@pi4 ~] uname -a<br>Linux pi4 5.3.0-1022-raspi2 #24-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 27 21:32:13 UTC 2020 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
``` [root@pi4 ~] lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 19.10
Release: 19.10
Codename: eoan ```
I even tried to run the docker image: perconalab/pmm-client:dev-latest from the Docker Hub, but it doesn't work, I guess it is not cross compile and it will only work on Intel/AMD 64.
Any help, I will be appreciate.