Hi, i’ve Percona Postgresql Container and PMM2-Server Container. How can i integrate PMM2-Client into Postgresql Container?
It seems pmm2 repos is installed in oci image, but if pmm2-client is installed how can i configure it to connect to pmm2-server?
Thank u
Hi @vinicius,
Have you read over our extensive documentation? You can see many configuration options set via environment variables.
Hi, thank you for ans, i explain better my question:
- i’ve “percona-distribution-postgresql” container
- i’ve “pmm-server” container
pmm-server documentation requires pmm-client installation on the monitored service node, so “percona-distribution-postgresql”, but i can’t install it on that container and i don’t know if already installed on it.
In the docs I linked above, you will find instructions for launching the pmm-client as a docker container. You will have 3 containers: pmm-server, pgsql, pmm-client
i have only 2 containers: “PMM Server” and “Percona Postgresql: database to be monitor”.
PMM Client doc Architecture - Percona Monitoring and Management reports “PMM Client is a collection of agents and exporters that run on the host being monitored. PMM Client runs on every database host or node you want to monitor. The client collects server metrics, general system metrics, query analytics and sends it to the server. Except when monitoring AWS RDS instances, a PMM Client must be running on the host to be monitored.” so i must to install it on “Percona Postgresql” Container, but i can’t get it.
Yes, when used in a non-docker environment. You are using a docker-based environment, which means you need to use the pmm-client docker container. Thus, when done, you will have a total of 3 containers.