System matrics is not coming to PMM from mysql RDS

I’ve added our RDS instances as per the following instructions

So for example if I look at the ‘OS / Node Summary’ dashboard, many for the graphs are empty and report ‘No Data’. See the uploaded screen shot. (upload://dRbYjfHWY07M8Yf8jrKvX06kgcv.png)

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same is also for self-hosted mongo server.

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i already enabled enhance monitoring.

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Hey @kapil1 thank you for sharing your issue, could you please help with more details like logs from your pmm-server, rds exporter logs, it would help us identify the issue better. this is from one of our test instance

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hey @Puneet my pmm is dockerized.
from container below are the logs–

22-06-19 00:01:01,809 INFO reaped unknown pid 21826
2022-06-19 01:01:01,908 INFO reaped unknown pid 18862
2022-06-19 02:01:02,078 INFO reaped unknown pid 15981
2022-06-19 03:11:01,613 INFO reaped unknown pid 12941
2022-06-20 00:01:01,621 INFO reaped unknown pid 11794
2022-06-20 01:01:01,721 INFO reaped unknown pid 8893
2022-06-20 02:01:01,837 INFO reaped unknown pid 6041
2022-06-20 03:47:02,293 INFO reaped unknown pid 3071
2022-06-21 00:01:01,763 INFO reaped unknown pid 1533
2022-06-21 01:01:01,881 INFO reaped unknown pid 31000
2022-06-21 02:01:01,996 INFO reaped unknown pid 27935
2022-06-21 03:50:01,248 INFO reaped unknown pid 24912

or pls tell me the log path .

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