Aurora dashboard has no data in it

Hi everyone, i recently installed pmm on my AWS EC2 instance, and i wanted to monitor metrics of my RDS Aurora for mysql 8.0 and i believe i managed to set everything up using this guide:
I created and attached the IAM role with the policy they’ve put on the guide, i created and used the database user with privileges that they specified and after all that, i got a bunch of mysql metrics appearing including query analiytics, which is nice , but the actual thing that i am looking for which is the database cpu and ram usage is nowhere to be seen. On top of that, the Mysql Amazon Aurora dashboard has no data on it, as seen in the picture bellow while the Mysql instance summary and Mysql instance overview do.

This probably has something to do with the permissions whether it being the IAM policy or the Database user’s permissions. Any type of help is appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: My OS Node Overview for my aurora instance is also empty
Also, for a bit more context, i have enhanced monitoring and performance insights enabled for my aurora.
Here are the mysql user permissions:


We appreciate you reaching to us!!

The thing is that the PMM agent isn’t running on the same instance as your RDS due to [DBAAS] scenario, so PMM can’t collect the OS level metrics. But the other dashboard shouldn’t face the same "No data" issue.

The DB grants looks fine. Can you please attach the IAM user/role details (exact permissions) here for a review ?

Please ensure if you have the enhance monitoring enabled as below ?

Bye the way, exactly what PMM/ RDS version you are using ?

select aurora_version();
select @@aurora_version;

Did you by any chance installed the PMM image via AWS Marketplace OR if just installed it via the Percona Url/Website ?

Under [settings] → [Inventory], can you please share the Services/Nodes details information of the RDS instance ?

Reference:- PMM Inventory - Percona Monitoring and Management