We recently moved from mysql 5.5 to mysql 5.6 and we are monitoring the mysql using zenoss core 3.2 which uses script ss_get_mysql_stats.php.
After mysql 5.6 zenoss stopped showing the indoor related graphs.
- We went through doc “[URL]https://bugs.launchpad.net/percona-monitoring-plugins/+bug/1124292[/URL]” and made the changes accordingly but not sure what else it will break or not.
) but seems it is not compatible with zenoss core 3.2 (Rather it is for zenoss 4* which we don’t have) and it is in python.
- we went though the latest percona monitoring plugin percona-monitoring-plugins-1.1.5 which have different notation then we were using earlier (a0 became to gg)
‘Key_read_requests’ => ‘a0’,
‘Key_read_requests’ => ‘gg’,
4)We normally uses following to monitor the mysql as below.
[agarwala@zenoss000las ~]$ ./mysql_stats.php --host semaboutdbm001iad.io.askjeeves.info --items a8,a9,ae,af,ag,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,ax,ay,az,bd,be,bf,bi,bl,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cr,cs,ct,cu,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,dy,xy
Success | a8=-1 a9=-1 ae=-1 af=-1 ag=-1 al=-1 am=-1 an=-1 ao=-1 ap=-1 aq=-1 ar=-1 as=-1 at=-1 ax=-1 ay=-1 az=-1 bd=5751 be=953 bf=81 bi=16 bl=1000 bn=121208 bo=0 bp=0 bq=0 br=0 bs=0 bv=0 bw=0 bx=0 by=8878906 bz=0 c2=444373526 c3=391525167 c4=22585150 c5=8879477 c6=1157568 c7=0 c8=5219 c9=58 ca=388 cb=92 cc=0 cd=16156 ce=464 cf=3135067 cg=0 ch=5245031 ci=633 cj=292943 ck=5488671 cl=3909 cr=8388608 cs=-1 ct=-1 cu=-1 d1=-1 d2=-1 d3=-1 d4=-1 d5=-1 d6=1 d7=-1 d8=-1 d9=-1 da=-1 db=-1 dc=-1 dd=-1 de=-1 df=-1 dg=12 dh=3 dy=-1 xy=2[agarwala@zenoss000las ~]$
[agarwala@zenoss000las ~]$
[agarwala@zenoss000las ~]$
[agarwala@zenoss000las ~]$ ./mysql_stats.php --host semaqdbm001iad.io.askjeeves.info --items a8,a9,ae,af,ag,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,ax,ay,az,bd,be,bf,bi,bl,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cr,cs,ct,cu,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,dy,xy
Success | a8=-1 a9=-1 ae=-1 af=-1 ag=-1 al=-1 am=-1 an=-1 ao=-1 ap=-1 aq=-1 ar=-1 as=-1 at=-1 ax=-1 ay=-1 az=-1 bd=3595 be=5 bf=30 bi=13 bl=512 bn=65771 bo=0 bp=0 bq=0 br=0 bs=0 bv=0 bw=0 bx=0 by=1205563 bz=0 c2=58414899 c3=42054440 c4=6605561 c5=1209488 c6=6601 c7=0 c8=979 c9=44 ca=585 cb=0 cc=0 cd=11168 ce=32 cf=318209 cg=0 ch=2719756 ci=148 cj=19 ck=1196302 cl=6732 cr=8388608 cs=-1 ct=-1 cu=-1 d1=-1 d2=-1 d3=-1 d4=-1 d5=-1 d6=1 d7=-1 d8=-1 d9=-1 da=-1 db=-1 dc=-1 dd=-1 de=-1 df=-1 dg=9 dh=3 dy=-1 xy=3[agarwala@zenoss000las ~]$
Can you please help us to deploy the right ss_get_mysql_stats.php on mysql 5.6 which can work with zenoss 3.2 and show all the graphs without any issues?