QAN window not logging db queries running

I installed pmm 1.1.3 on EC2 instance and added aurora clusters to collect mysql metrics.
I used the below command to install pmm-server,
sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 --volumes-from pmm-data --name pmm-server -e METRICS_RETENTION=360h -e METRICS_RESOLUTION=5s --restart always percona/pmm-server:1.1.3
Performance_schema and slow_log are ON and QAN is using performance_schema. I’m not seeing actual db queries running on Aurora instance in QAN window. It’s logging the queries running by pmm-server means the queries that needs the metrics. Grafana is working fine.


Hi meolep92

In our latest release 1.17.1 you have the ability to add AWS RDS or Aurora instances using a GUI which provides both the MySQL metrics along with host metrics fetched from the Cloudwatch API. That will provide you a more comprehensive experience, along with a much more updated interface than 1.1 version

Also do you have long_query_time=0 ?