PMM Rename Node & Service

At this time, one of our clients is rebranding. And we want to rename them servers. If i force the configuration of the node with the new name, it only creates a new node. Any solution given?


Hi @Samuel_Ruiz,
There are no supported solution yet, we will work on it soon.
However there is a hack which is not recommended and very risky:
Try it at your own risk.
Do it on some staging environment, make sure that nothing is broken and then do it on production

  1. Login to PMM Server docker container docker exec -it pmm-server /bin/bash
  2. Open psql psql -U pmm-managed
  3. Update node names that you would like to using SQL query UPDATE table nodes SET node_name="new name" where node_name="old name";
  4. Restart pmm-agent on the node
  5. Check that node name is changed by running pmm-admin status on the node

Hope it will be useful for you