Percona-tookit Supported distributions?

Hi, which mysql distributions percona-toolkit support?

I am specifically interested in if

  • xtrabackup
  • pt-online-schema-change
  • pt-query


  • oracle mysql
  • percona myrocks
  • facebook myrocks

Is there a doc page for this?

Percona Toolkit Documentation suggests that in general it supports MySQL though you can check individual tool documentation for more details.

Percona XtraBackup supports myrocks for backup and pt-online-schema-change for myrocks from version 8.0.6. You can refer

By pt-query, I believe you meant pt-query-digest which basicallly parses the logfile and it should be able to work with the distributions. Refer: pt-query-digest — Percona Toolkit Documentation


“percona myrocks” and “facebook myrocks” are the same thing as Percona co-develops the MyRocks engine with Facebook.

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