I have upgraded one of my replicas to Percona MySQL 8.0.34-26, I also want to install pt-toolkit, please advise what is the latest pt-toolkit version and is there is any specific stable version compatible with MySQL 8.0.34-26.
mysql --version
mysql Ver 8.0.34-26 for Linux on x86_64 (Percona Server (GPL), Release 26, Revision 0fe62c85)
Appreciate responses in advance.
You can review the documentation page for the version release notes.
Latest percona toolkit should work well for you.
Thank you @kedarpercona , I would like to install version , v3.5.7, can you help with rpm/packages to install.
You can follow the installation instructions from the documentation. Individual Percona tool is easiest to grab, for eg. to get the query digest you can
wget percona.com/get/pt-query-digest
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thank you. I have installed version 3.5.7.