"node still exists" when trying to re-register services in PMM


WE removed one of the nodes (containing a postgresql instance) from pmm. When we re-add it, we can register the node. But when we want to register the services, we get “node still exists”.

If i go to my postgres servers, the old node is still there in the “node name” dropdown list (but it does not get any new data).
But it’s nowhere to be found in the services.

Where can I delete an old, deprecated service if it’s not visible in pmm?


latest pmm

Hello @skodaddy
You can delete node/service from PMM Inventory as below,

Ref: PMM Inventory - Percona Monitoring and Management

Hi, you can use --force flag in CLI to rewrite existing service/node.

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we used the --force flag, it seems this added the services with the correct name. But “Qan postgresql pgstatements agent” has status “waiting”, and it seems it does not reach the running state on that node.

  1. Delete Problematic node and it’s services from PMM Inventory.
  2. Re-add the node
  3. If see any isssue with Postgresql exporters/ “Qan postgresql pgstatements agent” check pmm-agent log for further troubleshooting.

Can you check log in pmm-agent? Please make sure that pmm user has access to pg_stat_statements data.