[MongoDB] Grafana dashboard(s)

Hi there,

sorry for bothering, but i have a question regarding mongodb_exporter and dashboards.
I assumed that this may be used without anything else in between, simply by installing & configuring the exporter and using the exported metrics via grafana.
Sadly if i try to use a dashbaord, for example: https://github.com/percona/grafana-dashboards/blob/main/dashboards/MongoDB_Instance_Summary.json
there always is only dummy data (random walk).
I already tried changing the datasource before improting and also replacing instance in service_name.

Am i simply wrong that this can be used in this way, or am i missing anything?
Grafana version: 8.1.2
mongodb-exporter version: 0.20.5
dashboard version(s)/branch: master, but also tried v2.19.0

Maybe somebody may give me a hint/advice?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @sfhl,

You may use this script. It converts a PMM dashboard so it can be used in an external Prometheus + Grafana installation. It doesn’t need any input from you.

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Hi @Vadim_Yalovets,
thanks for the quick reply!
I’ll give it a try and report back.

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Hi there,
works like a charm, thanks again @Vadim_Yalovets!
kind regards

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