MongoDB Collections dahsboards requirements

Hello there!
MongoDB Collection Details and MongoDB Collections Overview dashboards are not showing any data. Questions:

  • Do i need to update existing pmm-agent to get this data? (PMM is 2.31 and pmm-agent is 2.23)
  • If not, what is the requirements to get these datas from MongoDB? It will be good if you put some information at top of the dashboard.



Hello! Can you update pmm-agent to latest version?

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Yeap, I updated the agent to latest but nothing changed.

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Can you share what panels in empty? Or whole dashboards is empty?

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actually whole dashboard is empty with no data

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Any update no this? I’m have the same issue with PMM server 2.36.0 and PMM client 2.30.0

Hello! Can you check - do you have metric mongodb_collstats_storageStats_count?

I am facing the same issue, mongodb_collstats_storageStats_count metrics has no data, do we need to enable something?


PMM starts the MongoDB exporter by default only with diagnosticdata and replicasetstatus collectors enabled.
There are other collectors ( collstats , dbstats , indexstats , and topmetrics) which are not enabled by default. So you need to explicitly enable the collectors while adding mongodb service into PMM.

Kindly refer this link on how to enable collectors.
