I’m attempting to configure PMM to monitor some existing MongoDB 7.0.5 replica set instances, however I’m not having any luck getting the metrics to show up in the dashboards. I have installed the latest PMM 2.41.1, the latest pmm2-client 2.41.1, followed this page MongoDB - Percona Monitoring and Management to configure the pmm
user with the correct roles/permissions, as well as enabled profiling on the MongoDB instances, lastly configured the service in PMM to connect to the MongoDB instance. This is what the dashboards look like. What am I still missing?
The pmm-agent appears to be erroring with the following
Feb 23 13:49:08 test-mongodb1.example.com pmm-agent[1847353]: time="2024-02-23T13:49:08.091-08:00" level=error msg="time=\"2024-02-23T13:49:08-08:00\" level=error msg=\"cannot retrieve engine type: Engine is unavailable\"" agentID=/agent_id/4595eda5-8430-4385-937b-a1e31276a287 component=agent-process type=mongodb_exporter
Feb 23 13:49:13 test-mongodb1.example.com pmm-agent[1847353]: time="2024-02-23T13:49:13.092-08:00" level=error msg="time=\"2024-02-23T13:49:13-08:00\" level=error msg=\"cannot retrieve engine type: Engine is unavailable\"" agentID=/agent_id/4595eda5-8430-4385-937b-a1e31276a287 component=agent-process type=mongodb_exporter
Feb 23 13:49:18 test-mongodb1.example.com pmm-agent[1847353]: time="2024-02-23T13:49:18.093-08:00" level=error msg="time=\"2024-02-23T13:49:18-08:00\" level=error msg=\"cannot retrieve engine type: Engine is unavailable\"" agentID=/agent_id/4595eda5-8430-4385-937b-a1e31276a287 component=agent-process type=mongodb_exporter
Feb 23 13:49:23 test-mongodb1.example.com pmm-agent[1847353]: time="2024-02-23T13:49:23.092-08:00" level=error msg="time=\"2024-02-23T13:49:23-08:00\" level=error msg=\"cannot retrieve engine type: Engine is unavailable\"" agentID=/agent_id/4595eda5-8430-4385-937b-a1e31276a287 component=agent-process type=mongodb_exporter
I found this JIRA ticket [PMM-12350] - Percona JIRA, which claims it was fixed in 2.41.1, but this seems to be still happening.
Hi @Jimmy_Chen, which mongodb instances were added? Do you see any other error in the log? Which mongodb instances have you added to PMM(mongos, mongod, arbiter)?
It’s a 3 node replica set. 2 data nodes and one arbiter. It doesn’t make any difference which node I added. It’s the same error on the data nodes. I’ve added all 3 so far.
@nurlan can you assist? I did quite a bit more testing, and I also switched to using Percona Server MongoDB but the result is the same. It seems like the moment I create the replicaset, the metrics from mongodb_exporter breaks. If it’s just a standalone node, then all the metrics show up in the dashboard.
For example, this is a standalone node
This is a single node but with replicaset created