MongoDB 7.0.5 no metrics in dashboard

I’m attempting to configure PMM to monitor some existing MongoDB 7.0.5 replica set instances, however I’m not having any luck getting the metrics to show up in the dashboards. I have installed the latest PMM 2.41.1, the latest pmm2-client 2.41.1, followed this page MongoDB - Percona Monitoring and Management to configure the pmm user with the correct roles/permissions, as well as enabled profiling on the MongoDB instances, lastly configured the service in PMM to connect to the MongoDB instance. This is what the dashboards look like. What am I still missing?

The pmm-agent appears to be erroring with the following

Feb 23 13:49:08 pmm-agent[1847353]: time="2024-02-23T13:49:08.091-08:00" level=error msg="time=\"2024-02-23T13:49:08-08:00\" level=error msg=\"cannot retrieve engine type: Engine is unavailable\"" agentID=/agent_id/4595eda5-8430-4385-937b-a1e31276a287 component=agent-process type=mongodb_exporter
Feb 23 13:49:13 pmm-agent[1847353]: time="2024-02-23T13:49:13.092-08:00" level=error msg="time=\"2024-02-23T13:49:13-08:00\" level=error msg=\"cannot retrieve engine type: Engine is unavailable\"" agentID=/agent_id/4595eda5-8430-4385-937b-a1e31276a287 component=agent-process type=mongodb_exporter
Feb 23 13:49:18 pmm-agent[1847353]: time="2024-02-23T13:49:18.093-08:00" level=error msg="time=\"2024-02-23T13:49:18-08:00\" level=error msg=\"cannot retrieve engine type: Engine is unavailable\"" agentID=/agent_id/4595eda5-8430-4385-937b-a1e31276a287 component=agent-process type=mongodb_exporter
Feb 23 13:49:23 pmm-agent[1847353]: time="2024-02-23T13:49:23.092-08:00" level=error msg="time=\"2024-02-23T13:49:23-08:00\" level=error msg=\"cannot retrieve engine type: Engine is unavailable\"" agentID=/agent_id/4595eda5-8430-4385-937b-a1e31276a287 component=agent-process type=mongodb_exporter

I found this JIRA ticket [PMM-12350] - Percona JIRA, which claims it was fixed in 2.41.1, but this seems to be still happening.

Hi @Jimmy_Chen, which mongodb instances were added? Do you see any other error in the log? Which mongodb instances have you added to PMM(mongos, mongod, arbiter)?

It’s a 3 node replica set. 2 data nodes and one arbiter. It doesn’t make any difference which node I added. It’s the same error on the data nodes. I’ve added all 3 so far.

@nurlan can you assist? I did quite a bit more testing, and I also switched to using Percona Server MongoDB but the result is the same. It seems like the moment I create the replicaset, the metrics from mongodb_exporter breaks. If it’s just a standalone node, then all the metrics show up in the dashboard.

For example, this is a standalone node

This is a single node but with replicaset created