Just to let you know, when I try to create a new Backup I see that error in PMM Server, but I also see this error in the logs:
==> pmm-managed.log <==
INFO[2023-05-02T16:04:42.933+00:00] Starting RPC /backup.v1.Backups/StartBackup ... request=0cec3377-e903-11ed-8ae6-067cb96f2d37
WARN[2023-05-02T16:04:42.940+00:00] RPC /backup.v1.Backups/StartBackup done in 7.489881ms with gRPC error: rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = software "mongodb" is not installed: incompatible service request=0cec3377-e903-11ed-8ae6-067cb96f2d37