Install Percona Everest in kubernetes with helm Chart


I search how to install everest percona with helm Chart. But the only documentation I found, details the installation with everestctl.
Thanks in advance


Thank you for your question and interest in Percona Everest.

Our team plans to create a helm chart for Percona Everest in version 1.3 in about a month or two.

If you have any special requests or requirements, please share.
You may want to participate in testing, I can send you a PR with the future helm chart when it starts to be developed.

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Hi @sbou !
The discussion about the helm chart has been started here: Helm Chart · percona/everest · Discussion #653 · GitHub
and there is also a link for the PoC version.
So you might want to try it out and give some feedback there.


Thanks for your response. I’m interested to participate in testing. For the moment, I haven’t special request for yet

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