I’ve installed percona server 5.5 and xtrabackup 2.0.7 and tried creating a backup of my 100 GB database (size of files in /var/lib/mysql/DBNAME).
I ran the following command:
innobackupex --user=USER --password=PW /raid/backup/mysql
which seems to start the following process:
xtrabackup_55 --defaults-group=mysqld --backup --suspend-at-end --target-dir=/raid/backup/mysql/2013-05-27_15-01-36 --tmpdir=/tmp
This has been running for 48 hours and keeps printing the following lines with increasing numbers:
>> log scanned up to (36608838935)
>> log scanned up to (36608867811)
>> log scanned up to (36608897762)
So I decided to kill the process, as something is probably wrong.
I then called
innobackupex --user=USER --password=PW --apply-log /raid/backup/mysql/2013-05-27_15-01-36/
This command also has been running for several hours now, it’s at 68% now.
Is it normal this is taking so long / am I doing something wrong? mysqldump takes only about 2 hours to complete. Why would I use xtrabackup?