I am backing up a slave using this command:
innobackupex-1.5.1 --slave-info --stream=tar $BaseDir | ssh remotehost “gzip > /opt/backups/xtra/master/TargetFile.tar.gz”
When I run this on the master, it finishes in 15mins or so. The command above on the slave has been going for over 2 hours now… all I see is lines like this. Should I Control-C and start over? Seems like a bug to me.
log scanned up to (41 1808622177)
log scanned up to (41 1808623015)
log scanned up to (41 1808623015)
log scanned up to (41 1808623015)
log scanned up to (41 1808624750)
log scanned up to (41 1808624750)
log scanned up to (41 1808625195)
log scanned up to (41 1808625589)
log scanned up to (41 1808625589)
log scanned up to (41 1808625589)
log scanned up to (41 1808626417)
log scanned up to (41 1808626417)
log scanned up to (41 1808626417)