If I delete the data directory, How should I recover?

I have a replica set, I made a physical backup, then I stopped the database service and deleted the files in the data directory. I started the data again, initialized the replication set and pbm users, then configured the pbm parameter file and started the agent. But pbm list has no results. I know this information is stored under admin. So how should I restore the database?

Hi, you have to run pbm with --force-resync so that it reads your backups from the storage. After that you will be able to restore.

but, no --force-resync .

[root@mongodb01 backup]# pbm version
Version:   2.7.0
Platform:  linux/amd64
GitCommit: 957ac501f939b1b784fcdcf61dcc5b9bf171e0b9
GitBranch: release-2.7.0
BuildTime: 2024-10-02_12:55_UTC
GoVersion: go1.22.8

[root@mongodb01 backup]# pbm restore --help
usage: pbm restore [<flags>] [<backup_name>]

Restore backup

  -h, --help                     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --mongodb-uri=MONGODB-URI  MongoDB connection string (Default = PBM_MONGODB_URI environment variable)
  -o, --out=text                 Output format <text>/<json>
      --time=TIME                Restore to the point-in-time. Set in format 2006-01-02T15:04:05
                                 Override setting: Name of older snapshot that PITR will be based on during restore.
                                 Number of parallel collections
      --ns=NS                    Namespaces to restore (e.g. "db1.*,db2.collection2"). If not set, restore all ("*.*")
      --with-users-and-roles     Includes users and roles for selected database (--ns flag)
  -w, --wait                     Wait for the restore to finish.
      --wait-time=WAIT-TIME      Maximum wait time
  -x, --external                 External restore.
  -c, --config=CONFIG            Mongod config for the source data. External backups only!
      --ts=TS                    MongoDB cluster time to restore to. In <T,I> format (e.g. 1682093090,9). External backups only!
                                 re-map replset names for backups/oplog (e.g. to_name_1=from_name_1,to_name_2=from_name_2)

  [<backup_name>]  Backup name to restore

Try pbm config --force-resync