Currently, many of our production applications still use Red Hat 7.x, but after upgrading MySQL to 8.4, I am unable to back up. The official website (Software Downloads - Percona) no longer allows downloading tools compatible with mysql-server-8.4. I am using glibc-2.17, and the size of the XtraBackup binary package is about 273M, whereas the minimal version of glibc-2.28 downloaded from the official site is about 59M. How was this compiled?
Hey @Bin_Wang
you can find how we build packages in our build script: percona-xtrabackup/storage/innobase/xtrabackup/utils/ at 8.4 · percona/percona-xtrabackup · GitHub
Also we have got an instructions of how-to compile PXB from source
Thank you for your patient response. the compilation was successful.