How can I get Xtrabackup 8.4.0-1 for RHEL7?

I’m using Xtrabackup for MySQL 8.0 database server on RHEL7.9, unfortunately I cannot upgrade OS to RHEL8 or upper immediately.
I’m planning to upgrade MySQL to 8.4, so I also have to upgrade Xtrabackup to 8.4.0-1 but I cannot find Xtrabackup 8.4.0-1 for RHEL7.

Is there no XB rpm or tarball for RHEL7?
I saw the tarball name “Percona-XtraBackup-8.4.0-1-Linux.x86_64.glibc2.17.tar.gz” for Red Hat Enterprise 7 in that document, but I cannot find the download link of that…

Let me know where is the correct download link for RHEL7 or XB 8.4.0-1 doesn’t support that OS version.

RHEL7 is not supported anymore. Unfortunately your only option is to move to newer OS.


I see. Thanks for your information :smiling_face_with_tear: