Hello Good People,
We are unable to send alert from Telegram Bot for around 10-12 days. We are using proxy internet in the PMM2 Server and the docker is able to connect to internet as well. (Percona is able to check for update on the “Insight” dashboard). I am very confused at this point as to what is going on. Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks.
t=2022-08-07T09:26:15+0000 lvl=eror msg="Failed to send webhook" logger=alerting.notifier.telegram error="Webhook response status 400 Bad Request" webhook=TelegramBOT
t=2022-08-07T09:26:15+0000 lvl=eror msg="failed to send notification" logger=alerting.notifier uid= error="Webhook response status 400 Bad Request"
t=2022-08-07T09:26:15+0000 lvl=eror msg="failed to send notification" logger=alerting.notifier uid= error="Webhook response status 400 Bad Request"
t=2022-08-07T09:26:15+0000 lvl=eror msg="Failed to send alert notifications" logger=context userId=4 orgId=1 uname=username error="Webhook response status 400 Bad Request" remote_addr=
t=2022-08-07T09:26:15+0000 lvl=eror msg="Request Completed" logger=context userId=4 orgId=1 uname=username method=POST path=/api/alert-notifications/test status=500 remote_addr= time_ms=556 size=72 referer=https://something.real.com/graph/alerting/notification/1/edit