Error: no progress from leader, backup metadata not found


I installed percona-backup-mongodb-1.6.1-1.el7.x86_64.rpm rpm in order to take backup for mongo. After that , ı adjust the storage.yaml file and try to start backup process. However , I faced with this error
Error: no progress from leader, backup metadata not found
could you help me please ?

Thank you

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Hello, have you followed all the instructions in the documentation? it is not enough to just install the rpm and configure the yaml file. You also have to run pbm config command.

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We have configured as per the percona documentations . But still we are getting this error

Also , Set the MongoDB connection URI for pbm CLI not working

Only while creating connection using manual process able to take the backup

We are using Ubuntu 16 and environment variables are configured fine

Please help us to troubleshoot this

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Anybody have tried this , only manual process able to take the backup

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Hi @Selva1

Could you please elaborate further on what you mean by manual process?

Also, it would be nice to get a round of information from PBM to understand the scenario correctly. Please send the last few lines from the PBM log containing the error itself, along with the following outputs:

  • pbm version
  • pbm status
  • pbm config
  • echo $PBM_MONGODB_URI (please make sure to redact user, password and hostname)


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Which is working fine in UAT , my test environment had the issue Error: no progress from leader, backup metadata not found

Test environment we have fixed with running nohup file always in background

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Hello @jenunes

Version pbm 1.6.1
CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)

1)the agent corresponding to the primary node must be up & running for the backup to work. Without this, the backup does not happen;

2)it would appear that the backup is actually performed by the secondary nodes, as long as the respective agents are also active. And in any case point 1 must be satisfied;

Entering a forced priority seems to work.

In any case, the backup will fail if the primary node agent is not seen.

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