Debian Bullseye packages build APT repository

Hello y’all,

I did not find any other thread giving me some hint, so I opened a new one.

I just installed a fresh Debian 11 Bullseye and noticed the Percona suite are not available :

Any chance someone at Percona could build those and push them in the APT repository please ? :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance.

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Hello @kcireme ,

At this moment Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 packages are available in ps-80 testing repository. You can enable it using the percona-release tool:

$ sudo percona-release enable ps-80 testing
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install percona-server-server percona-server-client

You can find more information about packages available for Debian 11 at First Packages for Debian 11 “bullseye” Now Available - Percona Database Performance Blog .


Hello @eleonora.zinchenko !

Thanks for the hint and the solution. My question was in fact when will the bullseye packages quit the testing phase and be dropped in the stable repository :slight_smile:

Is there any important ongoing issue explaining why Percona is not doing so at the moment ?

Thanks again !

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Hello @kcireme,

Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 packages for Bullseye will be available starting from 8.0.26 version, the same way as for upstream MySQL.
For example, if you check MySQL downloads page you will see that Bullseye packages are not available for 8.0.25 version, but available only starting from 8.0.26.

There is no exact release date for now, but we expect 8.0.26 to be released soon. Once it is released there will be an announcement for this.