Hello dear forum,
I’m using a percona server in docker (percona/pmm-server:3.0.0) with pmm-client (v3.0.0). I can also reach the monitoring system (Grafana) and the monitored service through the UI.
PMM Server:
URL : https://xxxxxxxxx/
Version: 3.0.0
PMM Client:
Connected : true
Time drift : 8.122µs
Latency : 222.257µs
Connection uptime: 100
pmm-admin version: 3.0.0
pmm-agent version: 3.0.0
When I try to create a backup of the monitored service data on the UI, I get this error message:
Backup/ Local Client (not available for MySql)
How can I create a backup from data in percona-server?
Thank you for help advices !