Atlas mongodb registering cluster error Unauthorized. Please check username and password


Atlas mongodb registering cluster error Unauthorized. Please check username and password.

Steps to Reproduce:

docker exec pmm-server pmm-admin add mongodb --username=username --password=******* --service-name=mymongosvc1 --host=****** —direct-connection=false


Unauthorized. Please check username and password. (The username and pwd is correct tried to connect with compass and it works)

Can someone please help?

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You should check MongoDB server-side logs to check with what exact error it’s falling.

As you mentioned, the same credentials works fine from compass, It might be related to IP whitelisting (docker container IP) as described here

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Hello @natarajan77,
Please use UI to add remote services to PMM Server, pmm-admin add command on the PMM Server isn’t supported.

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Hi Thanks for taking out time to reply.

I tried using ui and used the private network srv record with default port with skip connection check…it adds it but shows status as down…

Can you please tell what should we use in the host name and port number? Thanks in advance

@nurlan - Request you to please reply

Hi @natarajan77, please make sure that you can access to your DB from PMM Server. You shouldn’t skip connection check, because it checks if PMM can connect to DB Server.

@nurlan - Sir thank for the reply and feedback.

Can you please example of what hostname did u add…is it srv record and port number?