Arbitrator garb and Centos 6.5 - Startup Error

Hi there,

after setting up Percona xtradb Cluster on 2 nodes, i wanted to add a third node with only the arbitrator for voting.

So in my understanding i need to install Perconas Package “Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-galera-3”:
yum install Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-galera-3

After that … i tried to start the arbitrator by hand with:
garbd --address gcomm://, --group “test_cluster”

… and it works fine.

Then i wanted to start the daemon with:
service garb start

… and it just prints:
/etc/init.d/garb: line 99: log_daemon_msg: command not found

Any ideas on how to fix that on Centos 6.5?

Normally i would do:

service garb start
chkconfig garb on

… if there is no option in fixing the init script … what is the recommended way of having garb reboot-safe?


It is a known bug, which was already addressed and fixed version is expected in next PXC release: