In this blog dated December 2024, it says that OIDC is going to be added: Percona Server for MongoDB 8.0: The Most Performant Ever
The language is slightly ambiguous, and could be interpreted as already being in the most recent release, but the documentation does not list it as supported, so I presume it’s not yet in. Authentication overview - Percona Server for MongoDB 8.0
Is the feature already in the most recent version of percona mongoDB? If not, what is the timeframe for it to be added?
The blog states we’re committed to add additional new features to the 8 release. We’ve just started with OIdC development - and working to have an ETA soon.
Thanks for the fast response Radoslaw.
I know you can’t provide a proper ETA right now. But what’s the best estimate you could give? Are we talking over or under a year.
We definitely want to finish this year. I hope to have it after summer, but we need some more confidence in that technology.
What identity Provider integration are you looking for?
Keycloak. The current options provided by percona mongoDB don’t integrate with it, as far as I can tell. But it directly supports OIDC.
Thank you for your response. That’s correct OIDC auth is not yet supported by Percona Server for MongoDb. But good news here is - it will soon
and it will be source available for everyone to use unlike MongoDb Enterprise edition only via subscription.
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