Percona announces the release of Percona Server for MongoDB 3.4.7-1.8 on September 14, 2017. Download the latest version from the Percona web site or the Percona Software Repositories.
Percona Server for MongoDB is an enhanced, open source, fully compatible, highly-scalable, zero-maintenance downtime database supporting the MongoDB v3.4 protocol and drivers. It extends MongoDB with Percona Memory Engine and MongoRocks storage engine, as well as several enterprise-grade features:
[]External Authentication
[]Audit Logging
[]Profiling Rate Limiting
[]Hot Backup
[*]Log Redaction
Percona Server for MongoDB requires no changes to MongoDB applications or code.
This release is based on MongoDB 3.4.7 and includes the following additional change:
[*]Added packages for Debian 9 (“stretch”)