Unable to show Mysql Summary at PMM Query Analytic

PMM-Client version: 1.4.1
PMM-Server version: 1.4.1
Percona-Toolkit version: 3.0.4

The System Summary can show correct information, but at MySQL Summary section, it only show “exit status 1”

Agent log as below

[root@db8888 ~]# tail /var/log/pmm-mysql-queries-0.log

PID: 30598


UUID: 77e9fb0008fd405e5050058484e73ead

2017/11/07 18:29:48.750261 main.go:163: Starting agent…

2017/11/07 18:29:48.755488 main.go:331: Agent is ready

2017/11/07 18:29:48.757690 main.go:204: API is ready

2017/11/07 18:30:23.439962 ERROR agent exit status 1

2017/11/07 18:30:23.440079 WARNING agent Cmd fail: Reply[Cmd:GetMySQLSummary Error:‘exit status 1’ Id:efdad214-59cd-4282-6708-901fdae0e045]

2017/11/07 18:53:59.509491 ERROR agent exit status 1

2017/11/07 18:53:59.509626 WARNING agent Cmd fail: Reply[Cmd:GetMySQLSummary Error:‘exit status 1’ Id:a0c97888-a983-4024-7b17-ec878ff838ed]

But direct execute pt-mysql-summary at target machine with user, password, host, port, it can show information correctly.

I try to trace code, not sure i’m in correct path, but it seem not pass user, password, host, port to pt-mysql-summary
[url]qan-agent/agent.go at a0904c565ace33460923698b1cc39c5b33cc8128 · percona/qan-agent · GitHub

I’m using the same versions on a fresh install and having the same issue (exit status 1). The client is running Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS.

pmm-admin check-network looks good and the MySQL dashboards in grafana are working, but /qan/sys-summary?var-host=myhost throws exit status 1 for the MySQL summary section. The system summary works.

Same situation here in Ubuntu 14.04.5.