Unable to see Mongodb (dbstats, collstats, and indexstats) metrics

Hi Percona team, I am unable to see Mongodb (dbstats, collstats, and indexstats) metrics in the PMM metrics browser even after running --enable-all-collectors. Can someone help me here on this?

Hello can someone please suggest/ help me on this

Hi Saurav, most likely cause is that the user that PMM agent is using to log into Mongo does not have enough perms. Can you double check the pre-reqs here? MongoDB - Percona Monitoring and Management

Hi Ivan,
We have setup permissions as per doc only but still unable to see. It will be helpful if you guide us where it’s causing issue.
Also In PMM query analytics we have observed strange behavior we have in total 8 databases in mongodb but it’s fetching metrics of only 5 there (The highlighted in yellow color). . Any reason why?