There is a possibility to restore from another cluster's backup to an already existent percona cluster?

I already created a pg cluster which is running. I want to restore an another pg cluster’s backup to this alterady running pg cluster. Is it possible?

I tried to set up a repo2 for the current cluster with the same parameters what the source cluster has.
I got these messages in the operator’s log:
pgBackRest config hash mismatch detected, requeuing to reattempt stanza create

Then when I created the pgrestore object the operator created the restore pod, the pod failed with this message:
ERROR: [075]: backup set 20240706-000058F is not valid


I want to restore an another pg cluster’s backup to this already running pg cluster. Is it possible?

Short answer, unfortunately no. Each data cluster is unique with its own unique data, txid etc.

ERROR: [075]: backup set 20240706-000058F is not valid

The error you’re getting is a fail safe preventing you from corrupting the cluster by attempting to restore a data cluster’s backup into another unique and distinct data cluster.

If I’ve understood your problem correctly, one way to merge data from one data cluster into another is using logical dump/restores. Another method is by looking at logical replication from one running cluster into another.

Hope this helps.