The old backup is still showing as running, how to cancel

In progress [running]

i have got an issue disk full.

restarted pbm-agent on all nodes

try to delete backup using pbm delete-backup

i have deleted all the old files backup. (rm -rf * on the file system).

unfortunately the old dated backup is still showing as running, how to get that cleared.

Any help would be much appreciated.

the next backups are successful with PITR on, How ever the previous backup still not clearing and looking for an method to clear that.

Hi @deepaklo check inside the admin database:


you should be able to delete the stuck backup

Hello @igroene ,

Thank you for quick response,

I have used the above command to get the result and analysed the error entry and it shows in progress and pbm list also clearly shows the name of the backup as inprogress.

Is the command below safe to use and will clean the entry, Sorry i am new to Mongodb and its Json syntax, hence the below question.


Yes, that should do the trick