Stream backups to GCP stopped working

We stream our MySQL backups to GCP buckets and discovered that it stopped working on April 24th.
The version we use used was 2.4.15 and after upgrading to 2.4.22 the backups started working again.
This was the error xcloud gave :

210506 08:37:26 xbcloud: Probe failed. Please check your credentials and endpoint settings.

Do you know if Google changed anything around the 24th of April ?

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Hi @Catoman we are not aware of anything that happened at 24th of April, however, there were two releases after 2.4.15 that brought some improvements to xbcloud:

The one you are seeing is similar to the issue fixed at 2.4.18 - at [PXB-1978] xbcloud fails to obtain data from S3 bucket - Percona JIRA

As the best practices, we always advise users to run an up-to-date version of Xtrabackup.

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Hi @Marcelo_Altmann

Thanks for the info. I’m pretty sure Google did something but i just wanted
to check if you noticed anything.


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