Can we stream backup to GCP by having MySQL server and Xtrabackup on two different hosts


I am having MySQL Container in one pod and xtrabackup container in another POD. While I am trying to stream data to GCP I am getting below error. I am using the 8.0.35 version of MySQL and Xtrabackup.

Command used on the xtrabackup container:

xtrabackup --backup --stream=xbstream --target-dir=/tmp/xtrabackup --compress --compress-threads=1 --stream=xbstream --parallel=1 --host=“...” --user=root | xbcloud put --storage=google --google-endpoint=‘’ --google-access-key=‘’ --google-secret-key=‘’ --google-bucket=‘’ --google-storage-class=’ --google-region=‘asia-south1’ --parallel= $(date “+%F-%H-%M-%S”)-backup-full

Error Logs:

2024-06-11T09:39:08.731849-00:00 0 [ERROR] [MY-011825] [Xtrabackup] file ‘/var/lib/mysql/binlog.000006’ is smaller than 273
2024-06-11T09:39:08.731993-00:00 0 [ERROR] [MY-011825] [Xtrabackup] copy_file() failed.
240611 09:39:09 xbcloud: [0] successfully uploaded chunk: 2024-06-11-09-38-15-backup-full/performance_schema/keyring_componen_202.sdi.zst.00000000000000000000, size: 950
240611 09:39:28 xbcloud: [0] successfully uploaded chunk: 2024-06-11-09-38-15-backup-full/performance_schema/keyring_componen_202.sdi.zst.00000000000000000001, size: 61
240611 09:39:28 xbcloud: Upload failed: backup is incomplete.
Backup doesn’t contain last file with prefix xtrabackup_tablespaces in the cloud storage

This is suspicious. Is this reproducible? Did you mount the mysql datadir into the PXB pod?

@matthewb ,

I aim to have a MySQL server on one pod and Xtrabackup on the other pod(PVC is not shared between two pods). After referring this ticket Xtrabackup: copy_file() failed - #2 by matthewb seems it is not possible.

Hi @Hazarath_Reddy_Nukar, yes, you cannot do that. Xtrabackup (PXB) is a physical backup tool and requires direct access to the data files of MySQL. You can run PXB directly inside the MySQL pod, if you still want to use PXB. Otherwise, you will need to use a logical backup tool from an external pod.