Restore runs forever

I have a 3 node kubernetes system running the XtraDB Operator, running in Proxmox/Ceph. The underlying disks got corrupted. I was able to restore the nodes from a backup, but the databases would not come up.

I tried running a restore from the pxc-backups and that has now been running for more than 13 hours.


clayj@K8S-CTRL:~$ kubectl get pods
percona-xtradb-cluster-operator-7c769dcc6d-bbh79 1/1 Running 31 (63m ago) 25h
restore-job-restore1-cluster1-kgqpm 0/1 Completed 0 13h
restore-src-restore1-cluster1 1/1 Running 1 (13h ago) 13h
restore-src-restore1-cluster1-verify 0/1 Completed 0 13h
xb-cron-cluster1-fs-pvc-2024930023-372f8-ts57k 0/1 Completed 0 18h

Hi @n7qnm,

With the given information, we can’t go further. What I can say is, you might take a look at the kubectl decribe and the kubectl log to get more detailed information about your current process to find which step is hanging, if any.