Recipe for restoring to different mongo cluster?

Is there any documentation/how-to/recipe available for doing a restore with pbm to a different mongo cluster?

In particular, to one with a different replica set name?

It looks like it would be straightforward to do a restore to another cluster with the same replica set name, but I’d like to be able to point pbm temporarily to a different backup destination from another cluster, and use that to restore. (i.e. from production to backup-validation server or from production to staging/test/qa to clone)


The answer is no, there is no recipe to insert to a cluster that uses a different replica set names.

In the restored data of the config server nodes the replica set names is tied to the shard id. A metadata rewrite to switch that on the fly whilst re-inserting data would be complicated.

Ah, in my case it’s just a simple replica set, not sharded. I can definitely see the issue if it was a full sharded cluster.