How would I be able to pull from a private registry using the percona postgresql helm chart? There is no value for imagepullsecret. I want to pull pgPrimary from a private registry. Thanks
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Thank you for your question.
Due to the operator architecture, image pull secret name is propagated via
options. Like this:
kubectl create secret docker-registry <imagePullSecretName> \
--docker-server=<server_dns> \
--docker-username=<registry_username> \
helm install my-operator percona/pg-operator \
--version 1.2.0 \
--namespace my-namespace \
--create-namespace \
--set ccp_image_pull_secret=<imagePullSecretName> \
--set pgo_image_pull_secret=<imagePullSecretName>
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hey ivan, how can i do it with yaml file?
i dont find a way to implement imagePullSecrets variable.