Proxysql alerrting rules

Hi ,

just wanted to know if there is some plan to have integrated rules template for proxysql in pmm2.

And also if there are already some prometheus rules for proxysql that can be used

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Hi Dipesh,

Sad to say but now there is no plan for adding rules templates for proxysql in the next PMM release.

But here is an example of a template that you may use an example for creating custom templates.
It’s an alert rule that is triggered if a proxysql instance is down.

- name: ProxySQL status
  version: 1
  summary: ProxySQL status
  expr: |-
    proxysql_up < 1
  for: 15s
  severity: warning
    description: |-
        LABELS: {{ $labels }}
    summary: ProxySQL service is down on  (instance {{ $labels.node_name }})

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