pre migration check from Percona XtraDB cluster 5.7.x to Percona XtraDB cluster 8.0.19

I have done the first phrase of Percona XtraDB cluster 5.7.x to Percona XtraDB cluster 8.0.19 migration from one host to the other. it looks ok before handle over to developer to test.

but any pre migration check by any tools can help to check any unknown issue as the migration gap so that we know what has to take care before this kind of migration. 

I just  do not want to miss anything! right now table, data, mysql logic all migrated to the Percona XtraDB cluster 8.0.19 

we have to let developer know before real migration

Hi, I can see that you have a lot of questions about updating MySQL.We have recently released the online course “How to Upgrade to MySQL 8.0”.
Perhaps it can help you find answers to some questions.