Postgresql_pgstatmonitor_agent running on port 0

I registered the postgres pmm-agent to percona server the system level information is okay but the service level data not received, then I checked the pmm-admin list then:

Agent type Status Metrics Mode Agent ID Service ID Port
pmm_agent Connected /agent_id/7418d54d-ff15-4529-a87e-c09fcb267661 0
node_exporter Running push /agent_id/78cd6287-c759-48d4-8d98-4e786932924f 42002
postgres_exporter Running push /agent_id/53d85c0b-fdbb-4d9b-981e-e35e2cdf13e0 /service_id/8eb2b4f4-82a9-4e6b-908f-41e75d9f4878 42001
postgresql_pgstatmonitor_agent Running /agent_id/a4b46c59-744d-450c-83de-542cfa43b7a1 /service_id/8eb2b4f4-82a9-4e6b-908f-41e75d9f4878 0
vmagent Running push /agent_id/12c2e1d1-ed43-473c-a744-fee8afd1cbea 42000

pmm-agent and pg_stat_monitoring both are latest version. and
journalctl -u pmm-agent:

pmm-agent[1007]: time=“************” level=warning msg=“generating fingerprint failed for query with id -7850817464826231044: failed to normalize the query: syntax error at or near "lect"” agentID=/agent_id/a4b46c59-744d-450c-83de-542cfa43b7a1 component=agent-builtin type=qan_postgresql_pgstatmonitor_agent

is there any other way to troubleshoot?

@Mendbayar_Alzakhgui please check that pg_stat_monitor is working correctly. For example by using query
– Select some of the query information, like client_ip, username and application_name etc.

postgres=# SELECT application_name, userid AS user_name, datname AS database_name, substr(query,0, 50) AS query, calls, client_ip
FROM pg_stat_monitor;
application_name | user_name | database_name | query | calls | client_ip
psql | vagrant | postgres | SELECT application_name, userid::regrole AS user_ | 1 |
psql | vagrant | postgres | SELECT application_name, userid AS user_name, dat | 3 |
psql | vagrant | postgres | SELECT application_name, userid AS user_name, dat | 1 |
psql | vagrant | postgres | SELECT application_name, userid AS user_name, dat | 8 |
psql | vagrant | postgres | SELECT bucket, substr(query,$1, $2) AS query, cmd | 1 |
(5 rows)

from GitHub - percona/pg_stat_monitor: Query Performance Monitoring Tool for PostgreSQL
The agent running on port 0 - it’s ok, as this is a part of pmm_agent