After upgrading our openshift clusters we could no longer find the percona postgresql operator in operatorhub.
Will it be made available for openshift 4.11 also?
best regards,
After upgrading our openshift clusters we could no longer find the percona postgresql operator in operatorhub.
Will it be made available for openshift 4.11 also?
best regards,
That is weird since we claim 4.10-4.12 support for percona-postgresql-operator certified-operators/annotations.yaml at b748eac024a3f4ed650435f25b4a970fabe7db86 · redhat-openshift-ecosystem/certified-operators · GitHub
Let’s clarify, have you lost the subscription or the OperatorHub search just couldn’t find the operator?
Maybe it’s worth checking the state of the catalogsources available. They should be up to date and correlate with your current Openshift version.
We have operator 1.3.x installed just now. And I already learned it is not supported for openshift 4.11.
So we will have to upgrade (deinstall/install) the newer version of the operator 1.4.x which supports openshift 4.11.
Before we do that I need to have some more tests with the new operator to make sure everything works the same way like 1.3.x.
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