PostgreSQL custom query is not working

Hi Team,

I have configured the below custom query in the below path, but I am unable to see the metric in the Explore dashboard.

Path: /usr/local/percona/pmm2/collectors/custom-queries/postgresql/low-resolution/queries-lr.yaml

query: “SELECT usename as USER, client_addr as IP, COUNT(client_addr) as THREAD_COUNT FROM pg_stat_activity GROUP BY client_addr,usename ORDER BY usename, client_addr”
- list:
usage: “GAUGE”
description: “Id details”
usage: “LABEL”
description: “User Name”
- IP:
usage: “LABEL”
description: “User Client IP”
usage: “LABEL”
description: “no of connections per thread.”

Hi @Naresh9999 . do you see any errors on the PMM Client side in the logs?

@Roma_Novikov I see no problems in the log file, and in addition to this query, other custom queries that are PMM default queries are also not working.

@Roma_Novikov Can you please help me on this?

@Roma_Novikov @nurlan Can you please help me on this?

I see that value comes from list, but don’t see list in query

@nurlan Can i create a jira ticket on this?

Hi @Naresh9999
I mean that your custom query is incorrect,

- list:
usage: “GAUGE”
description: “Id details”

doesn’t exist in your query

query: “SELECT usename as USER, client_addr as IP, COUNT(client_addr) as THREAD_COUNT FROM pg_stat_activity GROUP BY client_addr,usename ORDER BY usename, client_addr”

so postgres_exporter can’t extract it from result and can’t create metric because of that.