PMM can not load Alertmanager config


PMM complains Error loading Alertmanager config.

The error log in grafana.log

logger=ngalert.multiorg.alertmanager t=2024-09-14T02:32:35.100569928Z level=error msg="failed to apply Alertmanager config for org" org=1 id=23 err="failed to parse Alertmanager config: unable to parse Alertmanager configuration: invalid character '{' after object key:value pair"

My Alertmanager config is like:

# Managed by pmm-managed. DO NOT EDIT.
    resolve_timeout: 0s
    smtp_require_tls: false
    receiver: empty
    continue: false
        - receiver: /channel_id/87c95895-16d7-4946-9c41-da3251d14452
            rule_id: /rule_id/8e92f583-b05e-4334-be74-81e7fea84aff
          continue: false
        - receiver: /channel_id/87c95895-16d7-4946-9c41-da3251d14452
            rule_id: /rule_id/b2ec7dfc-c2e3-4b10-a28f-bf212627b6d4
          continue: false
        - receiver: /channel_id/87c95895-16d7-4946-9c41-da3251d14452
            rule_id: /rule_id/5d6e752d-d387-48b6-9b8a-872baed1e534
          continue: false
        - receiver: /channel_id/87c95895-16d7-4946-9c41-da3251d14452
            rule_id: /rule_id/8a79828e-19fc-448d-a195-57bce5563023
          continue: false
        - receiver: /channel_id/87c95895-16d7-4946-9c41-da3251d14452
            rule_id: /rule_id/b2541f4b-ebaf-4f5f-986f-ae09ed2b97ff
          continue: false
        - receiver: /channel_id/87c95895-16d7-4946-9c41-da3251d14452
            rule_id: /rule_id/542665f8-ce15-43a7-beb9-2151e8f683ae
          continue: false
        - receiver: /channel_id/87c95895-16d7-4946-9c41-da3251d14452
            rule_id: /rule_id/e202c37b-27a7-4aec-9dd8-815bd353ccd5
          continue: false
        - receiver: /channel_id/87c95895-16d7-4946-9c41-da3251d14452
            rule_id: /rule_id/9b79417c-52b0-48c3-aa40-a1b6a719b44a
          continue: false
        - receiver: /channel_id/87c95895-16d7-4946-9c41-da3251d14452
            rule_id: /rule_id/3beea76b-f932-4ca5-abd5-0b9f5a1e59c2
          continue: false
    repeat_interval: 30m
    - name: empty
    - name: disabled
    - name: /channel_id/87c95895-16d7-4946-9c41-da3251d14452
        - send_resolved: true
          channel: slack-ch2
          title: '[{{ .Status | toUpper }}{{ if eq .Status "firing" }}:{{ .Alerts.Firing | len }}{{ end }}]'
          text: |-
            {{ range .Alerts -}}
            *Alert:* {{ if .Labels.severity }}`{{ .Labels.severity | toUpper }}`{{ end }} {{ .Annotations.summary }}
            *Description:* {{ .Annotations.description }}
            {{ if .Labels.node_name }}     • *node_name:* `{{ .Labels.node_name }}`
            {{ end }}{{ if .Labels.node_id }}     • *node_id:* `{{ .Labels.node_id }}`
            {{ end }}{{ if .Labels.service_name }}     • *service_name:* `{{ .Labels.service_name }}`
            {{ end }}{{ if .Labels.service_id }}     • *service_id:* `{{ .Labels.service_id }}`
            {{ end }}{{ if .Labels.service_type }}     • *service_type:* `{{ .Labels.service_type }}`
            {{ end }}{{ if .Labels.rule_id }}     • *rule_id:* `{{ .Labels.rule_id }}`
            {{ end }}{{ if .Labels.alertgroup }}     • *alertgroup:* `{{ .Labels.alertgroup }}`
            {{ end }}{{ if .Labels.template_name }}     • *template_name:* `{{ .Labels.template_name }}`
            {{ end }}{{ if .Labels.severity }}     • *severity:* `{{ .Labels.severity }}`
            {{ end }}{{ if .Labels.agent_id }}     • *agent_id:* `{{ .Labels.agent_id }}`
            {{ end }}{{ if .Labels.agent_type }}     • *agent_type:* `{{ .Labels.agent_type }}`
            {{ end }}{{ if .Labels.job }}     • *job:* `{{ .Labels.job }}`
            {{ end }}

            {{ end }}
          short_fields: false
          link_names: false
templates: []

Error on the UI:

Steps to Reproduce:

I have no idea how to reproduce this, After upgrading from 2.39.0 to 2.42.0 for my production PMM, it may appear, and I just noticed it a few days ago, but strangely, my labs PMM works file after upgrading to 2.42.0, so I do not know whether it’s upgrade related, but prod PMM does not send alerts since my upgrade.


PMM 2.42.0


The error log in grafana.log

logger=ngalert.multiorg.alertmanager t=2024-09-14T02:32:35.100569928Z level=error msg="failed to apply Alertmanager config for org" org=1 id=23 err="failed to parse Alertmanager config: unable to parse Alertmanager configuration: invalid character '{' after object key:value pair"

No useful logs in alertmanager.log

Expected Result:

The steps to fix this. Or at least the ability to reconfigure the alertmanager.

Change your config to a simple message without the {{ }} template variables. Verify that this works and is parsed. Then, add one or two lines. Ensure parsed. Repeat until you find the issue with the errant { character.

Thank you @matthewb
I removed all {{ }} from the /etc/alertmanager.yml, and restart the alertmanager and even restart the pmm server docker, it still show the same error. I seems the /etc/alertmanager.yml is not relevant.

And even I use a empty config:

# You can edit this file; changes will be preserved.

    receiver: empty
    routes: []
    repeat_interval: 1h
    - name: empty

The error is still there.

Hmm. I’m wondering if this config is stored using the internal pgsql database and it only reads the .yml file on first startup. You might need to start over a new PMM install to correct this, unfortunately.

@matthewb is there a way to reset the alert configuration, e.g. reset it to the default setting when I deploy the PMM server.

I’m unsure if that is possible. The best option is to start a new PMM container and migrate over to it, unfortunately.